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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Rethink Dairy

MILK – does a body good BAD!

Just when you felt some relief that at least your picky toddler ate her dairy she loves milk, “more cheese peeze” and who can resist ice cream?  I am here to tell you that cow dairy does NOT do a body good!

”WHAT?” you say… “But all those celebrities fashionably wearing the perfect milk mustache who grace the pages of my parenting magazine and my pediatrician asks at every checkup “how often does she (your toddler) drink milk?” You proudly answer “with every meal! And she loves cheese & yogurt!”

Well you might be surprised to hear that although protein, calcium and Vitamin D are important, cow dairy is not where we should be getting these nutrients. Cow dairy is actually harmful for you and your growing child. This topic could easily be written in a lengthy book, but I will give you a few big reasons why rethinking your consumption of cow dairy could be the healthiest thing you do for your family as well as offer some alternative ways to meet your protein, calcium and Vitamin D needs.

REASONS to rethink consuming cow dairy:

1.)    Cow dairy consumption WEAKENS bones1

“Excuse me? Milk weakens bones?!” I know this is contrary to everything ingrained into you since you were a child. But research has shown that Cow dairy weakens bones! 1,2,3 And, this is why: Eating animal protein (which includes dairy foods) causes our body to be in an acidic state. 4,5 When our body is in an acidic state it pulls calcium from our bones causing weakened bone strength5. Furthermore there is NOT one study that proves cow dairy increases bone strength. It is vitamin D, low acidic foods and weight bearing physical activity that are the winning ticket to bone strength! 5 A nurse’s health study that shows dairy consumption INCREASES fractures! 1,4,5 It has also been found that countries with the lowest cow dairy consumption have the least fractures. These countries include parts of Africa and Asia3.


2.)    Cow dairy consumption increases risk of cancer

Nature made cow’s milk to grow a baby calf from 75 pounds at birth to 600 pounds at 6 months (on average – calf growth varies by breed of cow). For perspective, humans double their weight (on average) the first 6 months of life. To achieve this rapid growth of cows, dairy products contain many hormones and hormone promoting substances.6 One hormone promoting substance found in dairy is insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1). 6,7,8 Regular consumption of dairy protein elevates blood levels of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1). 6,7,8 IGF-1 is known to stimulate the growth of both normal and cancer cells.6, 7,8 Three medical doctors Fuhrman, McDougall and Bernard, who have extensively researched the link between nutrition and disease, have found several case controlled studies in diverse populations that show a strong and consistent association between serum IGF -1 concentration and cancer risk. 2,6,7,8, 9  What they found is that cow dairy may increase risk of all cancers, but of particular concern are the studies that have linked cow dairy to bladder, breast, colorectal, leukemia, lung, ovarian, prostate, and  testicular cancers.6, 7, 8, 9, 10 And it is not milk alone that is the dairy of concern, but that all dairy products increase the risk of these cancers.6 Doctor Fuhrman makes the point that cow's dairy is the perfect food for the rapidly growing calf, but foods that promote rapid growth promote cancer. 6 Fuhrman goes on to say that “the foundation of adult cancers is most often built in childhood or early adulthood - childhood diets are the major cause of adult cancers.”6


3.)    Cardiovascular disease and dairy consumption

Dairy products (butter, cheese, ice cream, milk and yogurt) add a significant amount of calories, salt, cholesterol and saturated fat into the diet.12 Furthermore dairy and animal products do not contain any fiber which aids in the removal of cholesterol in the body. Saturated fat increases cholesterol in the body, hardens arteries and increases the risk of heart disease. Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in the US. Stroke is the fourth leading cause of death in the US. When replacing dairy, meat, sugar and processed foods in our diet with beans, legumes and fruits and vegetables we see a reversal in heart disease.13


4.)    Infertility and hormonal imbalance

Women who eat dairy may have an increased failure to ovulate or failure to produce a healthy egg. Many fertility experts recommend refraining from dairy to avoid the hormones, viruses, antibiotics and pesticides in dairy. Because of the naturally occurring hormones in dairy, even organic dairy options are of concern. Dairy products account for 60-70 percent of estrogens consumed in our diets.14 Pesticide and estrogen exposure have been linked to PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and endometriosis. 14 It has also been found that dairy and animal products can lower male sperm count. 15 Furthermore, some women who eliminate dairy and all animal products have been found to have a decrease or elimination of menstrual cycle discomforts16, such as cramping, hormone induced migraines, mood fluctuations and may have shortened  and lighter menstruation. There are also questions as to why children are maturing at younger ages and questioned if it could be due to the increased consumption of dairy in recent decades. Through dairy we have a higher exposure to hormones, hormone related issues and infertility risk.17


5.)    Autoimmune Diseases: Type 1 Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis

Autoimmune disease occurs when the body develops antibodies to attack foreign substances; however they also attack healthy cells in the body. In the case of Type 1 diabetes, your body’s immune response to foreign substances is to attack the insulin producing cells in your pancreas. In Multiple Sclerosis antibodies attack the nerve cells in the brain. In Juvenile Arthritis and Adult Rheumatoid Arthritis the antibodies are attacking the tissue in the joints. These conditions are on the rise.  Dairy and animal protein contributes to the increase in these diseases by causing an autoimmune response in the body. This response happens when animal protein is absorbed into the blood stream through a *leaky gut. 18, 32  Animal protein should not be in the blood stream and therefore the body uses antibodies to attack these proteins. Similar proteins are found in healthy cells in the body and in this process these cells are attacked as well. 18, 19, 32

* Leaky gut syndrome results in an increase in the permeability of the mucosal intestinal lining. Large spaces develop between the cells of the gut wall, which allows bacteria, toxins and food to leak into the blood stream.32 In a healthy mucosal lining, bacteria, toxins and food would not enter into the blood stream.32 Due to the poor Standard American Diet which is full of processed and pesticide ridden, low nutrient foods, leaky gut syndrome is on the rise.

6.) Lactose intolerance, IBS, and chronic constipation

Most people stop producing the enzymes to break down milk in early childhood and it is thought that over 75% of the global population is lactose intolerant.20 This distress causes inflammation in the digestive track which can result in symptoms of diarrhea to constipation from milk and cheese 21. Other GI symptoms from dairy may include gas, bloating, mucus, oily or bloody stool.22

Dairy also has been linked to causing or contributing to other diseases such as Colic for breast fed infants (with mothers who eat dairy) and formula fed infants, skin irritations, eczema, psoriasis, acne, allergies, sinus problems, migraines, increases the risk, severity and amount of cold symptoms and ear infections, anemia (in children) and more.7, 23

As I mentioned earlier this topic is lengthy and controversial. Many of you reading this are probably scratching your heads thinking if we know all this “Why are we being sold dairy? Why isn’t my doctor telling me about this? Why is this not on the news? Unfortunately the answers to these questions would take up a whole other lengthy and controversial book. However, the group Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) has taken legal action against the Dairy Council for false claims that the Dairy Council has made and PCRM has won!24 However the Dairy Council continues to have a several hundred million dollar yearly ad campaign.


It is estimated that 30-51 % of greenhouse gas emissions come from the methane gas of the livestock raised globally for food consumption (dairy cows, chicken, goat, lamb, pigs, buffalo, beef, etc.) plus the deforestation that occurs to create grazing land for these animals and to grow food to feed these animals. 25, 26 To give you perspective, transportation accounts for an estimated 18% of greenhouse gasses. 25, 26 Our dairy and animal consumption not only affects our personal health, but also the health of our environment. 25, 26


Alternative ways to get CALCIUM, PROTEIN and Vitamin D needs

If the previous info has made you think twice about consuming dairy products you can rest easy knowing you can meet your calcium, protein and Vitamin D needs without consuming dairy. You can easily substitute nondairy alternatives that are fortified with calcium, Vitamin D and B12 such as soy, rice, hemp, coconut milk, yogurt and cheese to drink, eat and in recipes. And/ or eat other nondairy sources of calcium such as almonds, leafy green vegetables, broccoli, blackstrap molasses, figs, sesame seeds, salmon with bones and soybeans and soy products. Sources of calcium without animal protein are better for your body at keeping your bones strong as well because they keep your body in an alkaline state, which as I said previously eating foods that are alkaline maintain calcium in the bones.27 Adequate calcium, Vitamin D and weight bearing exercise also supports bone strength.27 A fruit and vegetable based diet also happens to be the best diet for decreasing our risk of cancer, diabetes, heart and autoimmune diseases and several other diseases.


Americans are obsessed with protein and therefore tend to eat an enormously high protein diet with most of that protein coming from meat and/or dairy products. Dietary Reference Intake (RDI) for protein is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of ideal or adjusted body weight. Too much protein can be harmful for the body especially the kidneys and too much protein from animal sources (meat and dairy) is harmful for several reasons as described previously.  Therefore, overweight or obese individuals will want to base protein needs on ideal or adjusted body weight. For example, a 150 pound person at their ideal body weight requires 54 grams of protein per day. When you eat enough calories, it is hard to become deficient in protein, unless all your calories come from alcohol or sugar. 28,29 See the daily food example chart below – no dairy is needed to meet daily protein needs.


2 slices Whole Wheat Toast
2 Tbsp Peanut Butter
1 Bowl Bean soup
1/2 Cup Raw Carrot Sticks
2 Tbsp Hummus
*3 oz Fish
½ Cup cooked Rice
1 cup Green Salad with other veggies
Bread Roll
2 Tbsp Almonds
3 oz Chicken Breast
3 oz Fish

*If you do eat meat it is easy to see how you can quickly meet or

exceed RDI (Recommended Dietary Intake) for protein. This chart is

based on protein needs of a 150 pound person at ideal Body Weight.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is actually not a vitamin; it's a hormone that the body produces in reaction to sunlight on the skin.30, 31 It is not present naturally in milk – it is added as a supplement at the dairy processing factory. 3 Because the sun contributes significantly to our daily production of Vitamin D 10 minutes of sun exposure per day is thought to be enough to prevent deficiencies.30, 31 The major biologic function of Vitamin D is to maintain normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus. It is used alone or in combination with calcium to increase bone mineral density and this process decrease fractures. Recently, research also suggests that Vitamin D may provide protection from osteoporosis, hypertension, cancer, and several autoimmune diseases.30, 31 For those of us who do not live in sunny areas near the equator and/ or use sunblock, supplementation is usually necessary. 30, 31 It is possible to get enough Vitamin D without eating dairy, through supplementation and/or eating nondairy foods high in Vitamin D. Nondairy naturally occurring food sources of Vitamin D include salmon, tuna, sardines, eggs, beef liver, mushrooms, and green algae. Nondairy fortified food sources include, cereal, orange juice, nondairy milk alternative such as soy, almond, hemp and rice milk.

MILK Alternatives

Most dairy alternatives are fortified with calcium, B12 and Vitamin D; read the label to make sure. And most nondairy brands contain more calcium per ounce than cow’s milk. Choose unsweetened versions whenever possible to reduce the intake of added sugar.


Soy is a popular nondairy alternative; however there are many people who cannot tolerate soy due to an allergy, medication interaction or gastrointestinal distress it may cause. Soy is also a high GMO (Genetically Modified Food). So, if you buy soy products I recommend buying organic to avoid the GMO’s. Trader Joe’s Brand contains non GMO food sources. There is also an ongoing debate about the isoflavinoids in soy and if these trigger an estrogen like response in the body. Some argue it takes a high intake of soy to cause such reactions, however soybean oil and other soy derivatives are in many foods we eat. There are several other milk alternative options if this is a concern for you.


Rice milk is the dairy alternative I use the most, mainly because it is easily found and reasonably priced. For children under age two or those kids who are picky eaters or on the skinny side, rice, hemp and coconut milk have the highest calories per cup. I recommend these for those interested in increasing calorie consumption.


Hemp has the highest unsaturated fat content of the milk alternative options mentioned in this post. Hemp milk contains Omega 6 and Omega 3 fats, which have multiple health benefits for our heart, brain and immune systems. Soy, almond and rice milk can be found in most large grocery stores, however hemp milk is a bit harder to find. Natural or alternative food stores such as Whole Foods, New Seasons and Trader Joe’s carry hemp milk. Unfortunately, it is usually pricier than the other milk alternative options.


Almond milk is a great option for adults and children over 2 who do not have an almond allergy. Almond and coconut water are the lowest in calories of the milk options. Since the protein and fat content in almond, rice milk and coconut water are low you want to be sure you have other sources of fat in your diet and are meeting your protein needs through other foods as well.



Coconut milk and Coconut water are all the rage right now because of their high vitamin and mineral content and also because coconut milk is rich in Lauric Acid; a medium-chain fatty acid that is abundant in human breast milk. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, Lauric Acid has many germ-fighting, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties that are very effective at ridding the body of viruses, bacteria and countless illnesses. Lauric Acid may also reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which lowers heart disease and stroke risks. Although some research reports that the saturated fat in coconut milk are better than cow dairy because it is less likely to clog arteries, we must be cautious of jumping on the coconut ban wagon. I recommend using full fat coconut milk minimally.  Coconut water contains many of the vitamin, mineral and lauric acid benefits without the higher calorie, fat, and saturated fat content.



Non- Dairy Milk Options
Percent FAT
1 Cup
1 g
2.5 g
0 g
Coconut Milk
1 Cup
50.7 g
Coconut Water
1 Cup
0.4 g
1 Cup
2 g
6 g
0.5 g
1 Cup
1 g
2.5 g
0 g
1 Cup
3.5 g
0.5 g
1 Cup
7.9 g
7.9 g
4.6 g
1 Cup
8.1 g
4.8 g
3.1 g
1 Cup
8.5 g
2.4 g
1.5 g
1 Cup
8 g
0.2 g
0.2 g

*Note the above chart is general for each type of milk. Check specific labels as each brand nutrition content may vary slightly.



In our house my children have only drank nondairy milk. And although I have limited cheese consumption in recent years, we now eat 100% dairy free. For me the evidence is too strong to do otherwise.  There are several wonderful tasting nondairy yogurt, ice cream, and cream cheese options on the market. However these nondairy options are all processed foods with sugar, fat and additives and all should be used minimally.


I have found children to be more open to nondairy milk options than adults. For younger children you might offer a glass without even mentioning the change; see if they notice. For those who do notice a difference, try a vanilla flavored version that has low or no sugar and contains no artificial sugars. You could even mix cow and nondairy milk, slowly decreasing the cow milk until you have removed the all cow milk.


Is dairy right for you?

A few months back there was a Time magazine front page cover that pictured a mother nursing her older child. People were outraged at the idea. Although I am not one who will nurse my children that long, I found it amusing that people thought it is NOT okay to continue to nurse an older child, but it is okay for humans to drink breast milk from another animal through adulthood? That is what makes me scratch my head!

So let’s critically think about our dairy intake and ask questions like… “Why are we drinking breast milk for another animal that was made to grow from 75 pounds to 600 pounds in the first 6 months of life? Why are we the only species who drink milk past the first few years of life? Why is it only the past 100 years we have been eating high amounts of dairy? Were people dealing with weak bones for 100’s of years before then? Why do other countries that get adequate calorie intake with no dairy in their diet have strong bones and fewer diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc.?3 Why is it that those who eliminate dairy have improvements in allergies, acne, cholesterol, weight loss, digestion, menstruation, allergies, migraines, joint pain, autoimmune disease risk and progression and more?7 Why is it that the dairy industry does not have studies to prove the benefits of dairy3, however those who question dairy have to prove study after study why dairy is harmful? Why is it that when you go on a diet to improve cancer, fertility, allergies, heart disease, digestive issues, skin irritations, gout, migraines and autoimmune diseases the recommendations suggest limiting or eliminating dairy? If we do not want to have these health challenges to begin with should we be eating dairy at all?”

I think the challenge is that dairy has been a staple in many of our lives. Can you imagine a football game without pizza? Not giving your child mac and cheese or a cheese stick for lunch? Or a birthday party with rice cream ice cream? It certainly takes a mind shift, but if such a long list of diseases are being linked to dairy it is a shift we all MUST consider.  My hope is that this post has got you thinking about your family’s dairy consumption.  I recommend doing your own research on dairy. Find various sources of your information. Go dairy free for a few weeks to a few months and see how your body responds. See if you feel better, have improved digestion, clearer skin, and many, many other benefits. I know you will find many benefits in how you feel! I do!


7.)    Voskuil DW, Vrieling A, van?t Veer LJ, Kampman E, Rookus MA. The insulin-like growth factor system in cancer prevention: potential of dietary intervention strategies. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2005(14)195-203.

8.)    Chan JM, Stampfer MJ, Giovannucci E, et al. Plasma insulin-like growth factor -1 and prostate risk: a prospective study. Science. 1998(279):563-5.


12.) http://www.nutritionmd.org/nutrition_tips/nutrition_tips_understand_foods/dairy.html

15.) http://www.drmcdougall.com/misc/2012nl/dec/fav5.htm

16.) http://pcrm.org/health/health-topics/using-foods-against-menstrual-pain

18.)  http://www.nealhendrickson.com/mcdougall/040100pufavorite5.htm

19.) Autoimmune: Guggenmos J, Schubart AS, Ogg S, Andersson M, Olsson T, Mather IH, Linington C. Antibody cross-reactivity between myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein and the milk protein butyrophilin in multiple sclerosis. J Immunol. 2004 Jan 1; 172(1): 661-8.

33.) http://www.pcrm.org/search/?cid=1202


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